Stephen F. Banta
Attorney at Law
Anderson Banta Clarkson
| Bankruptcy and Insolvency | Civil Litigation | Employment | Labor | Personal Injury |

Mr. Banta grew up in Payson, Arizona and has made the Phoenix area his home since 1987. He attended the University of Arizona and received a B.S. in Animal Sciences in 1993. After receiving his undergraduate degree, he studied both ruminant nutrition and reproductive physiology at the graduate level before leaving the University to manage large dairy facilities in Arizona, Hawaii and New Mexico. In 1997 he enrolled in law school at the University of Arizona. Mr. Banta began his law career as a litigation associate at Lewis and Roca, LLP in Phoenix. In 2004 he left Lewis and Roca to form his...
Stephen F. Banta Attorney at Law
Anderson Banta Clarkson
48 North MacDonald Mesa, AZ 85201
Anderson Banta Clarkson
48 North MacDonald Mesa, AZ 85201
| Bankruptcy and Insolvency | Civil Litigation | Employment | Labor | Personal Injury |