Wills Estate Trust Probate Lawyers in Lewiston Maine

Mia Poliquin Pross, Esq. Attorney at Law Partner Lewiston

Mia Poliquin Pross, Esq.

Attorney at Law Partner

Mia focuses on helping families plan for long term care needs and transitions, navigating Medicaid (MaineCare) eligibility and applications, estate planning and probate estate administration. She brings to the practice varied experience in finance, health insurance, and social policy. Before...

443 Main Street, Suite One Lewiston, Maine 04240

| Elder Law | Estate and Probate lawyer |
Dylan Cox Associate Attorney Lewiston

Dylan Cox

Associate Attorney

Dylan Cox is an associate with the firm of Skelton Taintor & Abbott in Lewiston, Maine. Dylan’s ambition to pursue a legal career began in high school while interning at the Oxford County District Attorney’s Office. It was there that his passion for helping people navigate the legal system...

500 Canal Street Lewiston, ME 04240

| Business | Corporate and Commercial | Estate and Probate lawyer | Residential Real Estate |
Levey, Wagley, Putman & Eccher, P.A. logo

Levey, Wagley, Putman & Eccher, P.A.

We are a full service law firm serving Maine people and businesses. The firm has been located in Winthrop, Maine since 1976. We have special expertise in elder law, estate planning, probate, special needs trusts, real estate and mediation. Levey, Wagley, Putman & Eccher, P.A., has been...

161 Main St. Suite 1-A Winthrop, ME 04364

| Estate and Probate lawyer |
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