C.J. Eagar
Attorney at Law Founder
Copper Canyon Law LLC
| Estate and Probate | Residential Real Estate |

C.J. Eagar is a founding member of Copper Canyon Law LLC. He graduated from Sandra Day O’Connor School of Law at Arizona State University and focused his studies on estate planning and probate issues. Additionally, he was a member of the Civil Justice Clinic at ASU Law, representing clients who were victims of mortgage fraud during the housing crisis of 2008. Today, C.J. continues his focus on estate planning issues, trusts, wills, probate avoidance, asset protection, special needs protections, powers of attorney, and various real property matters. Additionally, he handles trust...

C.J. Eagar Attorney at Law Founder
Copper Canyon Law LLC
43 E 1st Ave, Mesa, AZ 85210
Copper Canyon Law LLC
43 E 1st Ave, Mesa, AZ 85210
| Estate and Probate | Residential Real Estate |