Zachary E. Pelham


Pearce Durick PLLC

| Appellate | Business | Civil Litigation | Corporate and Commercial | Employment | Insurance | Labor | Oil Gas Natural Resource | Personal Injury | Products Liability |

Zachary E. Pelham photo
Zack has been practicing law since 2004. Prior to joining the firm in 2007, he was a North Dakota assistant attorney general in the civil litigation division. He carries this emphasis on litigation to the firm, focusing on insurance defense, oil and gas law, product liability defense, employment and labor law, general litigation and general business representation. Zack has provided effective representation of clients at all levels of litigation. His everyday goal is to carry on precise, reasoned, and logical representation of clients.
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Zachary E. Pelham Member
Pearce Durick PLLC
314 East Thayer Avenue Bismarck, ND 58501

| Appellate | Business | Civil Litigation | Corporate and Commercial | Employment | Insurance | Labor | Oil Gas Natural Resource | Personal Injury | Products Liability |

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