Warren V. Norred - Norred Law

| Bankruptcy and Insolvency | Business |

Warren V. Norred - Norred Law  photo
Warren began his professional career as an electrical engineer, earning his MSEE in 1993 from UTA at night, and later passed the Texas Professional Engineer test. As an engineer, he began a manufacturer representative firm which covered four states before he began studying law at Texas A&M University School of Law. His academic legal experiences there included leadership as the president of the local Federalist Society, study under Justice Antonin Scalia, and a published work on the Constitution’s Ninth Amendment (14 Tex. Wesleyan L. Rev. 51). Local Community Warren has been...
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Warren V. Norred - Norred Law
515 E. Border Arlington, TX 76010

| Bankruptcy and Insolvency | Business |

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