Ward & Glass LLP

| Civil Litigation | Labour | Personal Injury |

Founded in 1998, the law firm of Ward & Glass, L.L.P., has built a reputation based on thorough preparation, attention to detail, strong ethical standards and professionalism. We have had the good fortune to represent Oklahomans from all walks of life, including high-profile clients — from federal judges and state officials to coaches, student athletes and administrators at the University of Oklahoma. Colleagues, defense attorneys and insurance adjusters alike recognize our professional work ethic. Whether you or a loved one has suffered harm due to the negligent acts of a health care provider — or another form of negligence, or need strong representation to assert your rights in an employment, insurance or civil rights dispute, we can help.
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Ward & Glass LLP
1601 36th Ave. NW Norman (Oklahoma)
| Civil Litigation | Labour | Personal Injury |
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