Walter F. Benenati

Managing Partner and Shareholder

Benenati Law Firm

| Bankruptcy and Insolvency | Personal Injury |

Walter F. Benenati photo
When you hire me I will be responsive and attentive to your calls and questions. I will return phone calls and be in my office when you need me. I do not golf nor do I take much time off. I am not a trust fund baby. My parents are not doctors and lawyers. They were hard working middle class people before they both passed away while I was in law school over 10 years ago. I am a nice generous person that will treat you with respect. I am married and a father of two young children. When I am not spending time with my family I will be in my office working ON YOUR CASE. You are my client but you...
Walter F. Benenati logo
Walter F. Benenati Managing Partner and Shareholder
Benenati Law Firm
2702 East Robinson Street Orlando, FL 32803

| Bankruptcy and Insolvency | Personal Injury |

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