Timothy M. Domek
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In 2010, Tim Domek retired in the grade of Colonel (O-6) from the United States Air Force after nearly 23 years of distinguished service to the United States of America. For the majority of that time Mr. Domek worked extensively with the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) as a both a prosecutor and Area Defense Counsel (ADC), Staff Judge Advocate (SJA), Chief, Circuit Defense Counsel (CCDC) and Numbered Air Force Staff Judge Advocate (NAF/SJA).
Mr. Domek began his career at Mather AFB in Rancho Cordova, California and prosecuted 22 courts-martial his first year on active duty. Other...
Timothy M. Domek
76 Sunflower Ln Great Falls, Montana 59404
76 Sunflower Ln Great Falls, Montana 59404
| Administrative |