Seamus Culhane

Attorney at Law

Turbak Law Office, P.C.

| Personal Injury |

Seamus Culhane photo
Seamus stands up for those who aren’t getting a fair shake. He’s especially interested in advocating for those who are being mistreated by big insurance companies, particularly elderly people struggling to get benefits of long-term care insurance they paid premiums for over decades of living. He’s rapidly developing a practice in that area and has learned from nationally recognized experts in that field. Seamus was raised in Watertown, South Dakota in a home that often revolved around his parents’ community service and advocacy for injured clients of his mother’s law practice. Standing up...
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Seamus Culhane Attorney at Law
Turbak Law Office, P.C.
26 S. Broadway, Suite 100 Watertown, SD 57201

| Personal Injury |

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