Richard A. Erb, Jr

| Corporate and Commercial | Estate and Probate | Personal Injury | Residential Real Estate |

Richard A. Erb, Jr photo
Rick Erb is a 1974 graduate from Tongue River High School in Dayton, Wyoming. After graduation, he went to work as a coal miner in a few of the coal mines around Gillette, Wyoming. During that time, he operated the mining equipment, was a certified welder, a blaster, and finally became a production supervisor. While working full-time as a coal miner, he obtained his bachelor’s degree through Eckerd College, a private liberal arts college based in St. Petersburg, Florida, graduating with honors in 1989.
Richard A. Erb, Jr
222 S Gillette Ave, Suite 310 Gillette (Wyoming)

| Corporate and Commercial | Estate and Probate | Personal Injury | Residential Real Estate |