R Mack Babcock
Founder / Lead Attorney
The Babcock Law Firm, LLC
| Workers Compensation | Personal Injury | Slip and Fall | Wrongful Death |

Colorado workers' compensation attorney R. Mack Babcock spends his life continuously striving for excellence. In his most recent venture as founder of the Babcock Law Firm, LLC, Mack uses his extensive legal experience, insight and professional relationships to help Colorado's workers obtain all of the compensation benefits afforded to them under the law. Childhood, Early Adulthood and Education. Born and raised in Chicago, Mack got an early education in responsibility and duty when he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps out of high school, completing 8 years of honorable active and...

R Mack Babcock Founder / Lead Attorney
The Babcock Law Firm, LLC
600 17th St Suite 2800 S Denver, CO
The Babcock Law Firm, LLC
600 17th St Suite 2800 S Denver, CO
| Workers Compensation | Personal Injury | Slip and Fall | Wrongful Death |