Nicole Blank Becker
Blank Law, PC
| Criminal |

Nicole Blank Becker of Blank Law, PC is a powerhouse in the field of law and has a unique skill set that sets her apart from every other Michigan defense attorney. Prior to going into private practice, Nicole was a prosecutor given the awesome responsibility of running the Sex Crimes Unit and the Child Abuse Unit for years in Macomb County, Michigan. With Lawyer Nicole Blank Becker’s prior experience as Chief of Sex Crimes Unit and Child Abuse Crimes Unit in Macomb County, she has been on both sides of the law for the past 20 years. Her journey as a successful attorney started in law school...
Nicole Blank Becker Founder
Blank Law, PC
3150 Livernois Rd, Suite 126 Troy, MI 48083
Blank Law, PC
3150 Livernois Rd, Suite 126 Troy, MI 48083
| Criminal |