Nicholas Wooldridge
Attorney at Law
LV Criminal Defense
| Criminal | Drug Offenses | Sexual Offense |

In the often eclectic world of criminal defense, few lawyers reach an acknowledged tier of achievement on the international, national, state and local stages — simultaneously. Mr. Wooldridge has reached that rare feat. Representing international cyber crooks and white-collar crimes, Mr. Wooldridge has combined his legal expertise with the experience of one decades old. Through it all, he compassionately defends as someone who has seen all of life’s troubles and problems. Mr. Wooldridge works with each of his clients with the same respect and attention to detail. Comfortable in corporate boardrooms as he is at the corner coffee shop, Mr. Wooldridge works with clients from all backgrounds, income levels and occupations. On the wall of Mr. Wooldridge’s law firm is a quotation by Abraham Lincoln which summarizes up Mr. Wooldridge’s approach to the law: “The leading rule for the lawyer, as for the man of every other calling, is diligence. Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done today.” Our Las Vegas sex crimes attorneys are experienced. And they care.
Nicholas Wooldridge Attorney at Law
LV Criminal Defense
400 S 7th St #401, Las Vegas, NV 89101
LV Criminal Defense
400 S 7th St #401, Las Vegas, NV 89101
| Criminal | Drug Offenses | Sexual Offense |