N.C. Deday LaRene
LaRene & Kriger PLC
| Appellate | Assault | Criminal | Drug Offenses | White Collar |
N. C. Deday LaRene was born in New York City on the day of the Allied invasion of occupied France (D-Day), from which he got his name. After graduating from the University of Chicago Law School in 1968, he accepted a one-year appointment teaching legal research and writing at the University of Michigan Law School. He began practicing law in 1971, after a number of other endeavors, including a stint as a writer for the rock-and-roll magazine Creem. Since then, he has confined his practice to the defense of criminal cases in both trial and appellate courts. He has appeared before trial courts...
N.C. Deday LaRene Partner
LaRene & Kriger PLC
645 Griswold Street, Suite 1717 Detroit, MI 48226
LaRene & Kriger PLC
645 Griswold Street, Suite 1717 Detroit, MI 48226
| Appellate | Assault | Criminal | Drug Offenses | White Collar |