Mick Levin

Attorney at Law


| DUI DWI OWI | Insurance | Medical Malpractice | Products Liability | Professional Liability |

Mick Levin photo
Mick Levin went to law school with one goal in mind: "I wanted to help people. It wasn't long before I learned that victims are insufficiently represented in Arizona. Victims of crime get very little attention from prosecutors. Big corporations cut corners to make money. Insurance companies refuse to pay claims. Many Arizona victims can't afford to hire a lawyer to protect their rights. My aim is to change that by providing higher quality legal services that protect the innocent and only get paid if I obtain compensation for my clients.
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Mick Levin Attorney at Law
3401 North 32nd Street, Phoenix, AZ 85018

| DUI DWI OWI | Insurance | Medical Malpractice | Products Liability | Professional Liability |

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