Lisa Swan Semansky

| Bankruptcy and Insolvency | Business | Corporate and Commercial | Criminal | Family | Real Estate |

Lisa Swan Semansky photo
admitted to the Montana Bar and U.S. District Court, District of Montana in 1984, 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in 1989. Education: Montana State University (B.A. Modern Languages, 1976); University of Montana (J.D. with honors, 1984). Member: State Bar of Montana; various subsections, former Lawyer Referral chairman. Activities: Has served on many public service boards over the years and continues to serve as president of the Commercial Club of Highwood, a non-profit service organization for the town of Highwood, Mt; Women's Club, Soroptomists of Great Falls and Faith Community...
Lisa Swan Semansky
14 5th Street South PO Box 3267 Great Falls, MT 59401

| Bankruptcy and Insolvency | Business | Corporate and Commercial | Criminal | Family | Real Estate |