Kristi Burmeister

PEAK Litigation LLP

| Civil Litigation |

Kristi Burmeister photo
I helped form PEAK for the same reason I became an attorney, I like solving problems and I’m not afraid to take risks or think outside the proverbial “box.” I am very fortunate to be surrounded by other lawyers at PEAK who feel the same. I grew up on a farm in rural Nebraska. For a short time, I even went to school in a one-room schoolhouse (seriously). I am also a triplet. From my early childhood, I loudly advocated for myself—how else do you get heard in a household with triplets, much less in a school where one teacher is teaching multiple grades at a time? I recall people telling me...
Kristi Burmeister
PEAK Litigation LLP
4900 Main Street, Suite 160 Kansas City, Missouri 64112

| Civil Litigation |

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