Joshua Fitch

Attorney at Law

Troxel Fitch, LLC

| Business | Corporate and Commercial | Intellectual Property | Mergers and Acquisitions | Real Estate |

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In representing clients, Josh draws upon his entrepreneurial spirit and experience to better understand entrepreneurs, and aims to embody the resource he would want for himself as an entrepreneur. What does that mean? It means he won’t talk over a client’s head using complex legalese just to make himself feel smart. It means he won’t send you a massive unexpected bill, because he understands that startup business owners need to know exactly what they are getting for each dollar they spend. It means he’s not going to sell you the whole plane when all you need is a ticket for one seat. At the end of the day, we all must make a paycheck, but a life-well-lived requires more: it requires meaning. When Josh Fitch first meets a client, someone who believes in and is willing to bet on themselves, has vision and the grit to make that vision a reality, and is ready to start a company…that’s not just a client; that’s a kindred soul. Josh finds meaning in his practice of law by helping others achieve their dreams of entrepreneurship, of freedom, and of success, and in doing so Josh achieves his own dreams. To Josh, this is more than a career, it’s a calling.
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Joshua Fitch Attorney at Law
Troxel Fitch, LLC
1401 Lawrence Street, Suite 1600 Denver, CO 80203

| Business | Corporate and Commercial | Intellectual Property | Mergers and Acquisitions | Real Estate |

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