Jason Lasser
Managing Partner
Cordell & Cordell P.C.
| Divorce | Family |

Being reasonable goes a long way in domestic relations matters, according to Jason Lasser. "Judges and mediators constantly think, 'what's the reasonable thing to do in this situation?'" Ms. Lasser said. "So if you are both thinking like that, it can benefit you in the long run." Being reasonable also helps set expectations with clients, he said. "The sooner you can realize the reality of your case, the more productive you are going to be in your case," Mr. Lasser said. "It's about getting everyone on the same wavelength."

Jason Lasser Managing Partner
Cordell & Cordell P.C.
310 Grant St. Suite 3130 Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Cordell & Cordell P.C.
310 Grant St. Suite 3130 Pittsburgh, PA 15219
| Divorce | Family |