| Business | Construction | Copyright Patent | Divorce | Estate and Probate | Family | Labour | Real Estate |

We are strongly committed to our clients and dedicated to their success. We value the working relationships that are created in our day to day activities and make it our business to understand the unique personal situations of our clients. Knowing that, we can assist with the highest quality legal advice and judgment. Each attorney in our firm has a practice emphasis in several areas of the law. When specialized expertise is needed, your lawyer has access to other attorneys within the firm to provide you with thorough and sound advice in a wide range of areas. In addition, our firm has the legal talent and experience to handle civil litigation matters in all areas indicated. We have an experienced and dedicated staff that will work closely with you on your case and keep you informed of all activity.
940 Willamette Street, Suite 400 PO Box 10886 Eugene, Oregon 97440

| Business | Construction | Copyright Patent | Divorce | Estate and Probate | Family | Labour | Real Estate |

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