Howard Alpern - Alpern Myers Stuart LLC
| Civil Litigation | Property Law |
Howie is a Brooklyn boy who chased his dreams on the other side of the East River after the Dodgers left Brooklyn. He started his legal career as a file clerk and receptionist for his father’s law office in New York. He was active in student government in high school, was regularly on the Honor Roll and played varsity baseball, basketball and tennis. He attended college on a New York Regents’ Scholarship and a USAF Financial Assistance Grant.
While attending Colgate University, he was an active participant with WRCU, the campus radio station, a member of Omicron Delta Epsilon, the...
Howard Alpern - Alpern Myers Stuart LLC
14 N. Sierra Madre St #A Colorado Springs, CO 80903
14 N. Sierra Madre St #A Colorado Springs, CO 80903
| Civil Litigation | Property Law |