Heidi Groff

Attorney at Law Partner

Biggam Fox Skinner, LLP

| Personal Injury | Workers Compensation | Wrongful Death |

Heidi Groff photo
I am a partner and I have been with the firm since 1999. I specialize in helping people with their Vermont workers’ compensation and personal injury claims because I find it personally rewarding to help an injured person get the benefits they deserve, and to hold an insurance company accountable. I understand that having an injury can be very difficult and I know that insurance companies often do not treat people fairly. My clients like me because I am passionate about their claims and I don’t give up. I listen to their concerns and fight with all I have. They often compare me to a pit bull! It is obvious that I enjoy what I do. The legal process is long and frustrating for most people. I help by following my conscience, using common sense, and being extremely persistent. I form strong relationships with my clients and I really care about winning. If you have been hurt and the insurance company is jerking you around, you want me on your side. I love seeing the relief on my clients’ faces when they know they can relax and let us do the hard work while they focus on their healing! My most rewarding cases have been apparent long shots that were medically complicated or factually difficult. Ultimately, they were winners when tested at hearing at the Department of Labor or in Superior Court because my clients were honest, hardworking, and deserving. My pride in my work comes from getting good results and winning cases for my clients.
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Heidi Groff Attorney at Law Partner
Biggam Fox Skinner, LLP
535 Stone Cutters Way Suite 204 Montpelier, VT 05602

| Personal Injury | Workers Compensation | Wrongful Death |

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