Fredric Gary Antenberg

| Business | Criminal | Family | Personal Injury |

Fredric G. Antenberg is an attorney with significant legal experience who has achieved outstanding results for his clients. Fred has demonstrated strong case management and organizational skills through handling over 4000 cases both in and out of courts throughout Maryland and he has briefed and argued cases in the Maryland Court of Special Appeals. Having an extensive working knowledge of family law, personal injury law, and business law, Fred has a proven ability to advocate and advise clients with integrity and dedication. Fred's philosophy is always to seek resolution before litigating. Establishing realistic goals with clients is a skill that Fred has developed over many years of experience. Litigating should only be utilized when the other tools such as mediation, collaboration, and negotiation have not succeeded. Often the expenditure in time and money necessitated by litigation may win the case--but at what cost?
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Fredric Gary Antenberg
5071 Bucketpost Ct Columbia, Maryland 21045
| Business | Criminal | Family | Personal Injury |
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