Frank Coxwell

| Bankruptcy and Insolvency |

Frank Coxwell photo
My name is Frank Coxwell. On a personal note, I'm husband to Joanie Coxwell, father to Rachel Coxwell, and stepfather to Joshua & Ashley Berry. Rachel is an attorney and is practicing here with me at Coxwell Attorneys, PLLC. Joshua has a sound engineering degree and works in the music industry in Denver, Co. Ashley is a CPA and works with Ellipsis International, a non-profit organization. I have been greatly blessed and my wife and I are so proud of the adults they have become. I'm so glad to have been able to raise them here in Mississippi. We love our home state - there is no better...
Frank Coxwell
1675 Lakeland Dr, #102 Jackson, Mississippi 39216

| Bankruptcy and Insolvency |

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