Diane Lynn Bellquist - JHC

Joseph Hollander & Craft

| Administrative | Civil Litigation |

Diane Lynn Bellquist - JHC photo
Practice Areas: With over 10 years’ experience working for regulatory agencies of the State of Kansas, Ms. Bellquist now utilizes her government experience to defend licensed individuals and entities before their respective regulatory boards. Her practice includes appealing application denials, responding in investigations of complaints, negotiating settlement agreements, defending against allegations in formal disciplinary proceedings, and petitioning for judicial review of agency actions. Ms. Bellquist has a thorough understanding of the Kansas Administrative Procedures Act and the Kansas Judicial Review Act. Having the experience as an insider in these governmental agencies, she has the unique practical advantage of having already-established relationships with agency personnel, as well as an understanding of the unwritten protocols and practices.
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Diane Lynn Bellquist - JHC
Joseph Hollander & Craft
1508 SW Topeka Boulevard Topeka, KS 66612
| Administrative | Civil Litigation |
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