Deidre Von Rock

President and Managing Attorney

Von Rock Law, PC

| Business | Estate and Probate | Real Estate |

Deidre Von Rock photo
Deidre graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from San Diego State University and earned her Juris Doctorate from New England Law: Boston. In California, she is a licensed Attorney, Real Estate Broker and Notary Public. Deidre leads the Legal and Management Team of VRL. She has over 25 years of experience in the firm practice areas and brings her dedication to family and community to every aspect of the practice. She has long been a committed volunteer to organizations dear to her, including the St. Brendan Parish and School communities, Archbishop Riordan High School, and the West Portal Merchants Association, where she has long served as President. Deidre is the proud mother of three children and one very saucy pug, Lola. We are your trusted resource for Estate Planning, Trust Administration and Probate, Business Formation and Transactions & Real Estate Matters. At VRL, we offer a seasoned team of legal professionals to support our clients in planning for the future. Whether you are building your wealth, ensuring the comfort of your loved ones, or implementing a planned legacy, we can assist and guide you every step of the way.
Deidre Von Rock logo
Deidre Von Rock President and Managing Attorney
Von Rock Law, PC

| Business | Estate and Probate | Real Estate |

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