David M. Lurie
Criminal Defense Attorney
David M. Lurie
| Criminal | DUI DWI OWI |

I am David M. Lurie, a Kansas City criminal defense attorney with more than 45 years of successful experience. I know how to structure an argument and a case to put you in the best light possible. My established reputation and relationships allow me to work more efficiently and effectively. I also know what exactly it takes not only to analyze your case but also to understand the weaknesses and strengths of the prosecutor’s case. I use this knowledge to help mitigate (or lessen) the charges against you. I have dedicated my 45-year practice to helping people who have been charged with a...

David M. Lurie Criminal Defense Attorney
David M. Lurie
1100 Walnut St #2940, Kansas City, MO 64106
David M. Lurie
1100 Walnut St #2940, Kansas City, MO 64106
| Criminal | DUI DWI OWI |