Daniel Bornstein
Attorney at Law
Bornstein Law
| Landlord Tenant |

For the better part of three decades, housing providers and real estate professionals have relied on Daniel Bornstein for informed advice on realizing the full potential of investment properties, cauterizing risk, and powering through the unique challenges of owning and managing a rental business. With offices in San Francisco and Oakland, Daniel is the Bay Area's foremost authority in landlord-tenant law with deep knowledge and experience in managing rental relationships, including unlawful detainer (eviction) actions, arbitraging vacancies through tenant buyout agreements, and handling...

Daniel Bornstein Attorney at Law
Bornstein Law
507 Polk St #310, San Francisco, CA 94102
Bornstein Law
507 Polk St #310, San Francisco, CA 94102
| Landlord Tenant |