Clifford A. Cohen

Attorney at Law

Cohen & Duncan Attorneys, LLC

| Administrative | Appellate |

Clifford A. Cohen photo
Mr. Cohen has more than 30 years’ experience in Education Law. He graduated from the University of Missouri at Kansas City School of Law in 1974 and was licensed in Missouri in 1974 and Kansas in 1975 and in 1989 became licensed in Colorado. Mr. Cohen assists education law clients throughout the United States in higher education appeals and assists students in K-12 issues in Kansas and Missouri. He also represents teachers, administrators and professors. Mr. Cohen has a diverse legal background. He was in general practice in Kansas City, Kansas after graduation from law school. He then...
Clifford A. Cohen Attorney at Law
Cohen & Duncan Attorneys, LLC
7015 College Blvd. #375 Overland Park, KS 66211

| Administrative | Appellate |

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