Chad Points - Denena & Points, PC

| Construction | Personal Injury |

Chad Points - Denena & Points, PC photo
Personal responsibility, my role as being responsible for others and the value of hard work were instilled in me at a young age. Growing up in the small, north Texas town of Sherman, I worked to help support my mom and two younger brothers beginning in the seventh grade. I know what it’s like when the deck is stacked against you, but I also know the value of pulling together – and the importance of getting a helping hand. I went from being a paper boy to wanting to be a lawyer at about that same time, when my mom got cleaned out in my parent’s divorce. She didn’t have the legal help she needed and the system didn’t treat her fairly. In my job as a Board Certified Trial Attorney, I make sure my client’s get their share of justice in the legal system.
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Chad Points - Denena & Points, PC
6565 West Loop S #790, Bellaire, TX 77401

| Construction | Personal Injury |

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