Ceccotti & Masten
| Bankruptcy and Insolvency |
Greetings and welcome to Ceccotti & Masten, a Delaware law firm specializing in consumer Chapter 7 & Chapter 13 Bankruptcies, as well as real estate transactions and landlord/tenant matters. Robert Masten and Santino Ceccotti have been providing their expertise to clients in these matters across the Delaware region for a number of years and are waiting to do the same for you.
No matter the situation that brought you here, you can expect to find plain, fair and accurate representation , and the legal backing of seasoned professionals who can assist you in getting back to a better...
Ceccotti & Masten
262 Chapman Road, Ste. 202-2 Newark, DE 19702
262 Chapman Road, Ste. 202-2 Newark, DE 19702
| Bankruptcy and Insolvency |