Carey Rose, Esq.

Attorney at Law

Rose Law

| Personal Injury | Workers Compensation |

Carey Rose, Esq. photo
The Rose Law legal team helps injured Vermonters heal after Vermont car crashes, personal injuries, and work injuries. Carey fights for her client's legal rights and delivers full and fair settlements. Carey is devoted to helping her clients through the legal process, helping them heal, and helping them rebuild their lives after injuries. If the insurance company cuts off your medical treatment or tries to take advantage of you, Carey will fight to get your benefits turned back on and get you the settlement you deserve. She cares for her clients and offers them the personal attention they deserve. Vermont trial lawyer practicing workers’ compensation law, car accident, and personal injury law. Carey has extensive experience in work injuries, car crashes, motorcycle and trucking crashes, wrongful death, underinsured motorist claims, medical malpractice, and Vermont personal injury law.
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Carey Rose, Esq. Attorney at Law
Rose Law
8 Essex Way Suite 104A Essex Junction, Vermont 05452

| Personal Injury | Workers Compensation |

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