Brooks, LeBoeuf P.A.

| Criminal | Personal Injury | Wrongful Dismissal |

We Know What Matters To Tallahassee Because We Are Tallahassee Attorneys. When there is too much at stake on your case, you need a team of local legal experts to advocate for you and your loved ones. With over one hundred combined years here in Tallahassee, you know us. Chances are we went to high school together, our kids played on the same little league team and your son or daughter received our scholarship to go to college. We know, more than anything, it is working with you right here in Tallahassee that makes us successful. Not the billboard, not the website, not the commercial, it’s the fact that when you see us out grocery shopping on Saturday you can share what happened this week. The good and the bad. The fact that when you need an advocate you can trust, you don’t have to rely on a stranger, you can just walk over to our table at lunch and tell us what you need.
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Brooks, LeBoeuf P.A.
909 E Park Ave., Tallahassee, FL 32301

| Criminal | Personal Injury | Wrongful Dismissal |

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