Brian Melton, Esq.
Attorney at Law
Business Law Group
| Business | Corporate and Commercial | Traffic Offense | Employment | General Practice | Intellectual Property | Residential Real Estate |

Brian Melton is a skilled litigator practicing primarily in the areas of commercial litigation, contract disputes, general negligence, fraud, breaches of member/shareholder duties, business torts, and alternative dispute resolution (mediation and/or arbitration). Notwithstanding those primary practice areas, he mostly represents small and midsize business owners, whose needs often exceed those boundaries and require an individualized approach for a successful resolution. Clients will benefit from Brian’s expansive view of the law; whereas that type of broad perspective is often unavailable...

Brian Melton, Esq. Attorney at Law
Business Law Group
90 S. Cascade Avenue Suite 400 Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Business Law Group
90 S. Cascade Avenue Suite 400 Colorado Springs, CO 80903
| Business | Corporate and Commercial | Traffic Offense | Employment | General Practice | Intellectual Property | Residential Real Estate |