Benjamin H. Whitley Attorney at Law Partner

Whitley Law Firm

| Medical Malpractice | Personal Injury | Premises Liability | Products Liability | Workers Compensation | Wrongful Death |

Benjamin H. Whitley photo
The Whitley Law Firm is a family affair—in all the ways that matter. Partner Ben Whitley works with his father and brother to create a formidable force when representing clients. After all, helping injured individuals—people who have the deck stacked against them when fighting corporations—is why the Whitleys got into the business in the first place. Ben regularly handles workers compensation, medical device and drug claims, and pharmacy malpractice. His approach to winning cases? Prepare, prepare, prepare. “In order to tell my client’s story to an insurance company or a jury should it come down to it, I need to know about the effects of their injury, but also their life, their work and their family,” he says. “I cannot do this unless I’m prepared—and I’m prepared to hire the best experts to help my client.
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Benjamin H. Whitley Attorney at Law Partner
Whitley Law Firm
1000 Social St. Suite 200, Raleigh, NC 27609
| Medical Malpractice | Personal Injury | Premises Liability | Products Liability | Workers Compensation | Wrongful Death |
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