April D. Hill

Founder, Board Certified Elder Law Attorney

HKH Elder Law

| Elder Law | Estate and Probate |

April D. Hill photo
As the founder of Hill Law Group which opened in 2002, I am devoted to the field of elder law. I earned my law degree from Stetson University College, here in St. Petersburg, in 1997 and have a B.A. in Social Work. I am a Board-Certified Specialist in Elder Law, certified by both the Florida Bar and the National Elder Law Foundation, and I am also a member of The Council of Advanced Practitioners (CAP) for National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys. Having served in the US Army for three years I am honored to be among those who call themselves Veterans. As a former adjunct professor at Stetson...
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April D. Hill Founder, Board Certified Elder Law Attorney
HKH Elder Law
5235 16th Street North St. Petersburg, FL 33703

| Elder Law | Estate and Probate |

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