Divorce Lawyers in Grand Rapids Michigan

Brian E. Gordon Attorney at Law Grand Rapids

Brian E. Gordon

Attorney at Law

Brian E. Gordon was born in Detroit but raised in the East Lansing area where he attended and graduated from Okemos High School, Michigan State University and Michigan State University College of Law (formerly known as the Detroit College of Law at Michigan State University). Brian has worked...

146 Monroe Center N.W. #1225 Grand Rapids, MI 49503

| Criminal | DUI DWI OWI | Divorce lawyer | Family |
Beth Striegle Attorney at Law Grand Rapids

Beth Striegle

Attorney at Law

After receiving her Juris Doctorate in 2003, Attorney Striegle began working for Faulk & Foster, Inc where she was involved in managing site acquisition for the telecommunications industry. In 2008, she joined Kozma Law Office, PC where she worked as a general practice attorney. Attorney...

400 Ann St. N.W. Suite 211 Grand Rapids, MI 49504

| Estate and Probate | Divorce lawyer | Family | Residential Real Estate |
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krupp law

Christian G Krupp II was born and raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan.Chris attended Michigan State University and graduated in 1988.He attended Thomas M. Cooley Law School where he was a member of law review and one of the few students that had his law review article published.Christian Krupp...

161 Ottawa NW Suite 404, Grand Rapids MI, 49503

| Criminal | Divorce lawyer | Family | Personal Injury |
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